Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Walmart Sells The Best Gluten Free Pasta!

They really, really do.  I have found the perfect GF pasta and I was shocked to find it at Walmart.  The company is Heartland http://www.heartlandpasta.com/products.asp?family=GF  and they offer many different types of pasta including spaghetti, fusilli, penne and lasagna which are made with corn and rice flours.

If cooked following the directions on the package you will have perfect pasta..  This pasta does not need to be rinsed and reheated, nor does it get mushy if you leave it overnight.   Right now you can get the spaghetti, fusilli and penne at Walmart.  The pasta comes in 12oz packages and cost $2.08 a bag.  This pasta is so good, anyone with or without gluten intolerance will enjoy it.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tasty Lil' Treat

Let me tell you about a tasty little, totally GF treat.  I'm talking about the Almond Macaroons at Papa's Pastry Shop in Wilmington, DE.   Early yesterday morning, John and I decided to check out the pastry shop.  He had been there ton's of times but I didn't even know the place existed until a couple of months ago.

I was disappointed at first when I found out they only had some GF oatmeal raisin cookies but then the lady behind the counter said we do have these almond macaroons.

This is the first cookie I have eaten GF that actually tastes like the almond macaroons I remember eating growing up.  The same taste and texture.  They were so good.

The lady behind the counter told me they do most of the GF pastries by order only since the walk in demand isn't so great.   Here's a link to Papa's Pastries web site: http://www.papaspastry.com/Glutenfree.html

If you get a chance check out the Papa's and enjoy the selection of GF cookies, breads, muffins and much more.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I'm Back!!

It's been so long my dear readers but due to a few crazy things I was unable to write my Blog.  I apologize for deserting you but I am back.

Check back later this weekend.  I want to tell you about some fabulous GF almond macaroons I found at a local bakery in Wilmington and also about a great GF breakfast sandwich I found at another local cafe here in town.

Also, I have found a new GF beer that I am crazy about and I will have a GF recipe to share.